Saturn Transiting Retrograde in Pisces
Since Saturn is in Pisces, this need may stem from avoidance, self-deception or a victim mentality. However, no matter where it is rooted,
Since Saturn is in Pisces, this need may stem from avoidance, self-deception or a victim mentality. However, no matter where it is rooted,
No matter which zodiac sign your Sun claims as its own, at some point transiting Saturn will pay it a visit, and when it does, you can expect to reap what you’ve previously sown in some area of your life.
While Neptune was retrograde, you were being guided to distinguish between genuine vision and self-deception. Now, as it moves forward and the fog that once protected you burns off, your discernment will be put to the test. If you allowed your soul to lead the way, you’ll come to experience Neptune in its highest form as…
I’m not going to mince words. The energy of the upcoming lunar eclipse at 24°20′ Pisces on September 16th suggests that something is going to end with a bang. The question is will it sound like a champagne cork or an explosion? At the heart of this eclipse is an inflammatory mutable T-square that has…
t bewilders. It beguiles. It can be a visionary. It can be a fraud.
In its highest form, Neptune is the planet of intuition, inspiration, and spiritual awakening; and in its lowest form, it is the planet of illusion, confusion and deception.
Although the airy side of Venus reveled in her independence and enjoyed the new experiences she encountered while in Aquarius, her earthy side eventually found its detached, impersonal nature too cool for comfort. Longing to be cradled in a sea of emotional warmth, she bid the Water Bearer farewell and dove headlong into the waters of the sentimental, soothing sign of…
After fighting the good fight in Aquarius and being celebrated as a rebel with a cause, it was time for Mars to bid farewell to the sign of unpredictability and become acquainted with the sign of tranquility. Taking several big breaths, Mars dove into the watery world known as Pisces where he quickly discovered that…
Ruled by Neptune, Pisces is known for imagination, intuition and escapism. Consequently, as Mercury floats along in the Pisces cosmic ocean, his creative abilities blossom, his intuition comes into sharp focus and he loves to daydream.
As a result, we may be inspired on a creative level, feel motivated to pursue a spiritual path or find ourselves lost in thought as we dream about a wonderful new future.
As I consider the public enthusiasm about Neptune’s transit through Pisces, I find myself wondering whether we’re truly riding a wave or just drowning in optimism. As I write this, I can hear my Pisces friend Steve saying, “There she goes bashing Neptune again.” He’s right. I am hard on Neptune, and I can cite…